

Current State of Security Robotics


University Preparatory School
Panther's Robotics Club
Team #05-0066

Home Security
Future Direction &
Required Advancements
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The Japanese companies Sanyo Electric and Tmsuk are 2 of the companies making security robots. Their robot can sense intruders and also sense smoke. Then the robot sends the information to the owner's cell phone, therefore alerting the owner. The Banryu walks at 50 feet per minute and climbs 6 inch stairs at the most. The Banryu also is 31.5 inches tall, 39.4 inches long, 27.5 inches wide, and is 88 pounds. It costs approximately $16,410.(2)

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Kim Tae-gyu reported on 3-8-2004 that SK Telecom, in partnership with Mostitech, unveiled a security robot to be named later. It could come out as soon as June of 2004. An SK Telecom official said "This is a whole new concept gadget, which will set a new trend of home networking, because this device can move around the home,". This device as the SK Telecom official called it is 50 centimeters tall and weighs 12-kilogram. This robot can detect hazards such as fires, gas leaks, and break-ins. It can take pictures of suspicious situations and send them to the owner's cell phone. Then the owner can further investigate using the Internet or cell phone. It is battery operated but it can recharge itself. It was projected to sell for a million won(Korean) or $850 dollars.(3)

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The U.S. Navy is using their own creation, named Robart, which is a security robot that is non-lethal. They use a format of a gattling gun to launch projectiles. They use tranqulizer darts or rubber bullets to neutralize the target. It has two formats that it runs on. It uses a passive mode that allows it to patrol the area and then converts to an alert mode. It can detect environment changes such as gas, fire, and earthquakes. The interface had to be toned down some because it would drain the battery to quickly. An obstacle collision system allows it to avoid collisions with objects that may hender its process of reaching the recharging bay. These bays may be located through the ship in the hallways. When searching for a person or object it will use reconnaissance robots to give lookout points and relay messages to Robart. It uploads the coordinates and has a better ability to perform. This will have a future for households across the nation. With the ability to alert on problems and inform of intruders within the premises, the ability to increase the security of the common house will and should decrease home invasions without eliminating any human lives.(4)

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The PatrolBot by Mobile Robots Training Institute, not only knows which sector it's in, but also displays its precise location and orientation within 2 inches of the location and any people or objects that are present. PatrolBot can have the CCTV, intrusion detection, and other systems in the building. All that the PatrolBot needs is for you to drive it around its work area once. It then will return to its docking station whenever it needs recharging. The PatrolBot has been used at Hewlett-Packard, Pfizer Global Reasearch, and Victoria's Secret. It can also sense heat and smoke and also provide power during power outages.(5)

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