Litterbox Mouse
This cute little robot is desgined to clean out the smelly litterbox in your house. It is 10 inches by 5 inches and weighs less than 16 ounces. It can strain the litter with an arm attachment and place the cat waste on a plastic bag, seal it, and deposit it in the waste receptacle.
It is an inexpensive way to keep your litterbox clean and smelling fresh. It ooperates on a small rechargable battery and a usb port for downloading the programs. It costs $99.
This robot is called Fetcher. Fetcher fetches things for you. All you have to do is to click a button and point a laser at the object and Fetcher will get it. It can tell how big the object is and where it is at from sensors that pick up the reflected laser light.
Height 2ft Weight 30lb Width 3ft
Ability to stretch it’s claw and drive on it’s back.
Waterproof up to a depth of 30ft.
Fireproof up to 2700 F.
Made of metal.
A small robot that works with other robots to clean your tub, sink, or mirrors. It holds itself in place on the surface with suction and dispenses cleaning fluiding and water to clean the surface. Scrub-aways are very small and you get four of them so that they can work as a team to get the job done.
Each robot is about the size of your hand and the set of four only costs around $80. You program in the size of your tub and sink and mirrors and then download the info to Scrub-Away.