1937- Alan Turing pubishes "On Computable Numbers with an application to the Entsheidungsproblem". This introduces his famous Universal Computing Machine.
1950- W.Grey Walter, a neurophysiologist punlishes a paper, "An Imitation of Life" which tells about his 'turtles' machines that could navigate in a simple environment and respond to light.
1950- Claude Shannon experiments in artificial intelligence with his electromechanical mouse.
1954- George Devol designs a programmable robot and uses the term universal automation. His prototype called the Unimate weighed 2000 pounds and stored memory on a magnetic drum.
1955- marvin Minsky and John McCarthey coined the term Artificial Intelligence.
1962- General Motors buys the 1st industrial robot made by the company started by Devol.
1966- The Unimate robot appears on the Johnny Carson show to get public response to robots being real.
1967- Kawasaki purchases a robot design and begins manufacturing Unimation robots in Japan who would become the largest users of robotics in the world.
1976- Robots are being used in radioactive test sites and in space exploration. Space probes, Viking 1 and 2, had robot arms.
1979- Ssankyo and IBM put SCARA on the market, an articulated robot arm.
1994 - CMU, Carnegie Mellon University, builds Dante II, a six-legged robot, to study volcanoes.
1995- Intuitive Surgical was formed to design and market surgical robotic systems.
1997- Mars Pathfinder lands on Mars and deploys the robot rover named Sojourner. It sends back picture of Mars.
2000- Gecko Systems develops the CareBot to take care of children and the elderly.
2001- SSRMS, the Space Station Remote Manipulator System, is launched and begins work on the International Space Station.
1921- Karel Capeck coins the term 'robot' in R.U.R., Rossum's Universal Robots the first story about robots used as workers. It is the man creates robots for slaves, robots rebel and kill man story.
1927- Fritz Lang makes the silent picture, "Metropolis" a story set in the year 2000 where the down trodden workers are led by a female robot in a disastrous revolt.
1938- The story, "Helen O'Loy", features robots that are happy servants of mankind.
1938- Eando Binder writes "I,Robot" where the robots are faithful servants.
1950- Asimov writes short sotries featurein robots like "I, Robot" where he tells of a robot industry where the robots can do only as they are told.
1951- "The Day the Earth Stood Still", motion picture was made. An alien lands in the U.S. with a 12-foot high silver robot named Gort who is a galactic policeman.
1954- "Foldly Fahrenheit" is a tale of a robotic servant who becomes a murderer.
1956- Robbie the Robot is introduced in the movie, Forbiden Planet. Robbie is the handy household robot who can do anything and manufacture anything from a sample.
1963- Dr. Who travels the universe and meets the Daleks, dome shaped robots created to be weapons.
1966- "Lost in Space", the tv show airs. It features a robot, B-9, who takes care of the young Will Robinson. the robot says the famous lines "Danger Will Robinson, Danger".
1966-1969 Star Trek the tv series airs. Most of its robtos were dangerous.
1968- 2001, A Space Odyssey is a movie about a manned spaceship out in the solar system with a computer named HAL.
1969- THX 1138 is a movie about humans living in an underground world run by a computer.
1972- The movie, Silent Running, tells the story of a young ecologist trying to preserve the last plant life on earth in an orbiting habitat. There are three drones who help him, Huey, Dewy and Louie.
1977-2002 - Star Wars adventure with two robots, R2-D2 and C3P0 save the universe in a galaxy far far away.
1984- The first Terminator robot movie is made.
1986- A laser armed robot named Number Five becomes alive in the movie Short Circuit.
1995- Robocop movies tell the story of a policeman becoming a robot cop.
2000- Bicentennial Man is a movie about a robot that wants to become human.
2001- A.I. is a movie about a robot boy who wants to find his human mother.