
We live in a world of polluted unrest, agriculture is a shrinking minority while manufacturing industries crop up like weeds. In all the tumult, we don’t realize that we depend heavily on our agriculture industry. In fact, we can’t live without it. Every year, hard-working souls arduously plant seeds by hand or with huge machines that crudely maintain the crops while releasing tons of pollutants into the air and water supply. Slowly, but surely, our agriculture industry will be run by huge machines, and our environment will be entirely polluted… These machines costs farmers millions of dollars and that cost is passed on to us, the people that depend on the agriculture industry.
So to solve these problems, scientists are trying to devise robots that can plant, maintain, and harvest crops, allowing a quicker, and hopefully better harvest season without the harsh chemicals that contribute to the collection of greenhouse gases amassed in the air around us. They are also developing robots that can help take care of the animals on a farm.
There will be drastic effects if we don’t do anything to the current pollution situation. We need to heed the warnings now so that we may prevent global warming and other calamities. Thus, we must be able and open-minded so we can come up with an efficient solution. This website will present the history of agricultural robotics, current applications of robots in agriculture and present a unique application of using robots in agriculture.