Our current agricultural system works, but is not sustainable. We cannot continue farming like we are and expect to be able to keep doing so in the future. One reason that our agricultural system is not sustainable is its cost, and another major problem is the pollution caused by farming. Our solutions aim to lower costs for the farmer and to cause less environmental damage, pollution included.
Today, our farmers are not making enough money off of the crops they grow or livestock they raise. If they don't make a profit, or at least break even, no one will want to continue farming. On a corn farm, a farmer today would lose at least twenty-five cents a bushel due to production costs mch higher than the value of a bushel of corn. [24] This is a pretty poor deal for the farmer, who is working an average of eight hours a day to raise food for other people. Too many years of this loss, or even breaking even, and who would want to farm?
Environmental Damage
Our current farming system causes many environmental problems. Pesticides and fertilizers run into rivers and underground water sources, contaminating the water, which is the major cause of water pollution. [23] However, not all of the environmental damage caused by agriculture is pollution. A large portion of environmental damage from farming and livestock raising is actually more likely to make it harder to farm in the future than it is to cause health problems. [22] This damage is in the form of soil erosion, more pests, fewer minerals in the soil, pests resistent to pesticides, crops more vulnerable to disease, and other similar problems. [22]