Evergreen Valley High School, Team 08-0218

"Don't tell me the sky is the limit,
there are footprints on the moon!"

-Paul Brandt


Future of Robotics on the Moon

As the accumulated knowledge of the world of technology expands, so will the knowledge of robotics. It will expand to the points where no one man, team, nor company will be able to monopolize it. This is due to the possibilities of this ever growing field. One can do so much with robotics, from saving lives to accomplishing day-to-day chores. There is no field or task too complexed or too challenging for robotics.

An example of a field which has been highly influenced by robotics is space exploration. Man has sent countless automated rovers to the moon and mars. Though the task has been accomplished, this field is not without problems. The cost of sending a rover to the moon or mars to do whatever task is high. Not to mention the countless dangers of the moon.

This is where the rover comes in. Due to its well-planned design, it will be able to overcome problems on the moon and even more. Since it was built with the goal of being extremely efficient, it is somewhat simple in terms of what can be done. This is not its weakness, it is a strength of the design. The rover can easily be added onto or taken away from to fit whatever task is needed to be accomplished. Its very design has made it strong and extremely versatile.