Assistive Robotics


Assistive Robotics of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Image of a robot for mentally retarded people

Take a Look at These Everyday Catastrophies by Clicking on the Links.

Car Accident

Image of a Carcrash

Plane Accident

A rudder malfunction caused this American Airlines Boeing 707 to crash into Jamaica Bay shortly after taking off from Idlewild Airport, killing all 95 people aboard. (March 1, 1962)

Water Accident

Image of water accident


In the early 1800's mechanical puppets were first built in Europe, just for entertainment value alone. And these were called robots since their parts were driven by linkage, cams, and controlled by rotating drum selectors. The first industrial robots were unimates developed by George Devol and Joe Engelberger in the late 50's and early 60's.

Assistive Robotics in the Medicine Field

Laparoscopic Manipulator with a Roll-Pitch-Roll Wrist and a Gripper

Over the past ten years, the Pittsburgh region has established a world-leading position in research and education of medical robotics and computer-assisted surgery, with a focus on more accurate and less invasive orthopedic procedures. The Medical Robotics and Information Technology (MERIT) center is building on the partnership between technology and medicine and strengthing it by collocating effforst research, clinical validation and integration, education, technology transfer, and clinical practice.

Current Capability

The current capabilities of many AI systems closely match some of the specialized needs of disable people. Fortunately, there is a growing interest in applying the scientific knowledge and engineering experience. AI researchers to the domain of assistive technology and in getting new methods and techniques that are required.

Problems Associated With Assistive Robotics

Laborious is a young laboratory researcher interested in designing an autonomus systems that can assist humans in real life task, to do so, robots require some sort of social intelligence, give them the ability to interact with various types of agents. Our team of robots are made of six Pionere, two robots, three indoor and three outdoor models with each robot equipped with 16 sonars, a compass, a gripper, a camera with a frame grabber, and a fast track vision system, a RF ethernet-modem connection and a Pentium 233 MHz PC-104 on board computer. The problems are with the robots, still in early stages, difficult to use the program by regular operators; the welding process, complex and not really well known; and the human-machine interfaces, non-natural, really not working.

Solution To Problems

In those conditions, robotic production setups exbit the best "cost per unit" performance if compared with manual work and with hard automated setups. Consequently, the near future requires powerful and more flexible machines in order to handle request from small businesses, which need more remote interfaces, powerful programming language, force control, powerful advanced programming interfaces(APIS) for high level programming, etc. That means exposing the user to the flexibility stored inside the machines, as a result to several decades of engineering which is currently used.

New Ideas

KISS Institute has a new idea of making a robot wheelchair which can automate some of the navigation and steering for someone with extreme disabilities. It can find its way through doorways, follow hallways and do limited reckoning navigation.

Designers of the Webpage

Designers of this web page consisted of: Trenton Muse, Tao Chen, Dominque West, Tatyana Brown, Christopher Bullock, Maurice Bell, Travis Muse, and Tuan Nguyen. We are students at Jefferson Junior High School.