
"C," She said to me.
"See? Push here, link here, take this...
It's just programming."
-Julia Horwitz, 2004

The bots all rumble,
Roll accross the shiny floor,
Within my heart sings.
-Mr. Gilbert

My Circuits
My circuits are burnt and worn.
Yesterday my tin fingers got stuck in an outlet.
The wet pennies and a small child insterts into my outlet.
-Molly Bartell, 2006

Thunder. The ground shakes.
Thunder, there's no rain, just sparks.
Big bot hits the ball.
-Mr. Gilbert

Small plastic pieces
Interlock and move around
Pretty little blocks
-Sarah Schoch, 2007

Breadbox, ping-pong balls,
You lean and lurch and then MOVE.
I love only you.
-Mr. Gilbert