The CKMS Botball website

OUR SCHOOL CKMS Statue of Chiefess Kamakahelei

We have not yet decided on our Bot name, strategy, or what our bot will look like but we have many ideas for these subjects. In our group we have 12 members.

These are the members

We still have not yet decided on our team strategy, mechanical design, software code, game strategy, or robot names. Currently everyone is in groups of 3 to practice building bots{excluding our 4 programmers} and are testing if the robot they have built to see if it move, if the sensors work, and working the attachments. We will be meeting on Feb 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26 and March 2, 4, 9, 11 we also meet at every lunch period. Our researchers are everyone. Our dedicated mentors are; Mr. Dale Akita, Mr. Michael Shintani, Mr. Walt Barnes, and Mrs Brenda Carvalho.

Our Generous Sponsors

last updated: March 2,2004